Lucy O’Brien (left) has updated her biography, “Dusty” and it will be out in hardback in August, with new pictures, and a brand new cover.
Lucy (left) will be at Dusty Day on April 14 to discuss the book and take questions from the antendees.
Official Dusty Day News
Dusty Day is an annual fundraiser in memory of Dusty Springfield.
Dusty Day 2020
will be on Sunday April 19, 2020
All proceeds go to the Royal Marsden Hospital Charity No. 1050537
Lucy O’Brien (left) has updated her biography, “Dusty” and it will be out in hardback in August, with new pictures, and a brand new cover.
Lucy (left) will be at Dusty Day on April 14 to discuss the book and take questions from the antendees.